Categories: Domotica

Lighting Q&A – July/August 2016: Bad LED Bulbs

We hear from more and more users that are reporting that some of their LED bulbs from Cree and other companies are dying or breaking prematurely, is this a trend?New technologies sometimes get a ‘bad rap’ when they don’t perform as “perfectly” as they’ve been marketed. LED bulbs often are touted to have 20+ year lifespans, massive energy savings and durable build quality, among other redeeming values. But many people fail to remember that these are commodity products. That combined with being relatively new and containing electronic components make them suspectible to potential failure. There were fewer things that could go wrong with old-style incandescent lamps, relatively speaking.While we certainly aren’t apologizing for the industry, there are bound to be failures in these new LED bulbs. And even failures in their construction with glue failing or other components coming apart. People tend to complain more about problems than praise products when they work perfectly, and this is why we hear about these criticisms.While we here at Smarter Home Life haven’t experienced a premature LED bulb or lamp failure, some close friends of the show’s host have experienced it. They remedied the situation by contacting the manufacturer and requesting a warranty-replacement. In most cases, the company sent new bulb(s) with no questions asked for free.So, while these warranties continue to be available, please take advantage of them, it helps you to obtain correctly-working LED bulbs and helps the companies improve their products.———————-Help out our production budget and improve the shows! $1 or $2 per month goes a long way…join our growing group of supporters at Patreon and get cool perks! Click over to and we'll love you forever!———————-Shop our Amazon Store!! http://smarterhomelife.comYouTube questions@smarterhomelife.comSupport Us! video gear: and Hosted by Joe Dugandzic


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