Categories: HardwareSoftware

Samsung Galaxy S8 will keep the headphone jack

Not copying Apple this time

Samsung appears to have decided that it is not going to copy one aspect of the iPhone 7 on its new Galaxy S8. It seems that the cordless headphone idea is too silly and unpopular.

The Tame Apple Press had claimed that that the cordless headphone jack was so good that Samsung would have to copy it. This was against hard evidence that the loss of the headphone jack was something Apple Fanboys were missing.  Now the latest leaks suggest that Samsung is giving the super, cool, inovative idea a pass.

Both Sammobile and Android Police are today reporting that Samsung is not killing the headphone jack. In the case of Sammobile this means retracting its own report last month suggesting the jack would be dropped. Android Police has independently confirmed that the S8 will maintain the 3.5mm jack through its own source.

Samsung appears to be claiming that the headphone jack is one of its advantages against Apple, and the company made it a point to make fun of Apple’s omission during the Note 7’s announcement.

It shouldn’t be too much longer until we find out more though it will probably be shown off during February’s Mobile World Congress.

Autore: – Home


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