Categories: HardwareSoftware

Microsoft plans more job-cuts

Will be announced next week

Software king of the world is rumoured to be announcing 700 more job cuts next week when it announces its quarterly earnings.

To be fair Vole has been saying it was going to liberate 2,850 Voles from its global Vole hills for a while now. These 700 will be the first wave to go.

Microsoft is not saying anything about the cuts but it appears that the rumours are accurate. The company’s previous job cuts have come in areas including its smartphone business and global sales team.

The new lay-offs are general and across a variety of job s inside the company.

The staff reductions are nowhere near as bad as the cuts carried out in July 2014, where 18,000 Voles were released into the wild to fend for themselves. That was 14 percent of the company at the time. The difference is that Microsoft has been doing rather better of late so one has to wonder what is in the results which will make Vole so keen to reduce costs.

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