Categories: HardwareSoftware

Intels PC division head quits

Stevenson rockets away from Intel trainwreck

Chipzilla has lost the hi-profile executive in charge of Intel its PC business, mobile division and Internet of Things drones.

Kim Stevenson headed the division with the sort of name that IBM would like “Client and Internet of Things Businesses and Systems Architecture,” but we will call it CISA for short.

Stevenson has only been in the job since last August and her official title was chief operating officer of Intel’s largest business unit. She told twitter that she is off on new adventures.

Intel President Murthy Renduchintala wrote that Stevenson brought “passion, operational excellence, leadership and industry savvy” to her job.

“I am excited for Kim as she embarks on her next journey, but find it difficult to see a strong leader leave,” Renduchintala wrote.

Intel’s executives are a jumpy lot lately, in fact ever since the middle of 2015, when Intel President Renee James left the company. For the last 18 months it has seen more shake-ups than a shaker in a “harden your arteries” take-away joint. Many top managers have gone. There has been a new president, chief financial officer, chief information officer and last month, a new head of human resources showed up.

On top of that Intel eliminated 15,000 jobs last year, roughly 13 percent of its work force.

And Intel is investing heavily in new technologies, including self-driving cars, virtual reality and the Internet of Things, a catch-all term for connected appliances and equipment, all thinks which Stevenson should have found exciting.

But there must be something else going on in Intel. Last month, chief executive Brian Krzanich told employees Intel would undertake a major training program to fix unspecified problems in its management.

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