Categories: HardwareSoftware

Putin might deliver Snowden to Trump

A present for his favourite new chum

Tsar Vladimir Putin is about to deliver NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden gift wrapped to his best friend Donald (Prince of Orange) Trump according to US intelligence sources.

Trump has called the NSA leaker a “spy” and a “traitor” who deserves to be executed and Putin is going to give him gift-wrapped as a special present to his trusted ally.

A senior US official has analysed a series of highly sensitive intelligence reports detailing Russian deliberations and who says a Snowden handover is one of various ploys to “curry favour” with Trump.

According to NBC this has been backed up by a second source in the intelligence community who confirms the intelligence about the Russian conversations and notes it has been gathered since the inauguration.

Snowden’s ACLU lawyer, Ben Wizner, told NBC News they are unaware of any plans that would send him back to the United States. “Team Snowden has received no such signals and has no new reason for concern,” Wizner said.

A former deputy national security adviser Juan Zarate urged the Trump administration to be cautious in accepting any Snowden offer from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said talk about returning Snowden was “nonsense”. If he were returned to American soil, Snowden would face an administration that has condemned him in the strongest terms.

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