Categories: Economia

[800] Americans are dying with the average debt of $62K

Claims for Americas jobless benefits are on the rise. No matter who you are or what occupation you have, you’re very likely to die with some amount of debt to your name. Boom Bust’s Manuel Rapalo takes a look at a new study that found Americans are dying with $62K of debt. In 2016, the Bangladesh Central Bank was robbed of $81 Million dollars, now the U.S. is investigating whether North Korea had anything to do with the heist, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei has details. After the break, we take a look at multiple changes coming to the airline industry. RT’s Marina Portnaya takes a look at the numerous brick and mortar stores shuttering across the nation and the reason behind the closings. Social media is becoming a helpful tool to investigators looking to solve crimes around the world. Facebook is center stage once again as a gruesome crime is caught LIVE, RT’s Simone Del Rosario takes a look at how technology is taking a bite out of crime. Finally, the city of Chicago says its willing to lose Millions of dollars to give drivers a break at the light. Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: Follow us @


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