Categories: HardwareSoftware

Apple faces problems with iPhone 8 edge-to-edge display

Can’t get it to go

The fruity tax-dodging cargo cult Apple is set to dump one of the few things that were moderately interesting in the coming iPhone 8.

According to Cowen and Company analyst Timothy Arcuri Apple company is struggling with low production yields on the revolutionary edge-to-edge display rumoured for the Apple iPhone 8.

He thinks that this will mean that the outfit will have to dump the embedded the Touch ID fingerprint scanner technology, which until now has been housed within the physical button, beneath the glass display.

Arcuri believes Apple is looking at dropping the ambitious new technology for another less-exciting design for the iPhone 8.

Samsung is believed to have faced similar issues with the Galaxy S8, leaving it no choice but to relocate the fingerprint scanner to the back of the phone.

Arcuri believes Apple could follow suit and maroon the Touch ID scanner on the rear of the iPhone. He also thinks it is possible that Jobs’ Mob could drop its fingerprint sensor altogether, and rely solely on the face recognition technology believed to debut on the next iPhone.

However, this would be stupid as the technology is half-baked and not reliable enough to be the sole biometric security option included with the handset.

Apple could push-back the launch of the iPhone 8 until it can remedy the production problems and there are rumours that the next-generation iPhone will miss the company’s traditional September launch window.

Although there are all sorts of rumours put about by the Tame Apple Press, it is clear that the iPhone’s design has not been worked out yet and the next handset has yet to enter full-scale production.

Autore: edfu777 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com (Nick Farrell) – Home


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