Categories: HardwareSoftware

Galaxy S8 enjoys higher than expected sales

720,000 sold in South Korea

Samsung’s Galaxy S8 is experiencing very high sales on most of the markets and the company released some of the first sales numbers. 

Samsung’s president of mobile communications Koh Dong-jin told the local newspapers that the pre-orders of the phone in south Korea are stronger than the company expected.

The 720,000 Galaxy S8 phones were ordered in the first 7 days, which is quite a large number considering that South Korea has just over 50 million people. We are quite sure that the sales in North Korea were closer to zero than the 720K number.

Samsung doesn’t comment on how many of the 720,000 were the larger, 6.2-inch Galaxy S8+ phones, but we are sure that Samsung sold quite a few of them as well. With the rest of the world, it is easy to estimate that Samsung sold millions of the S8, and it seem like that customers didn’t lose the trust is the company after the Note 7 blow up fiasco.

The new Galaxy S8 smartphone will launch in two versions, one with the Snapdragon 835 and the other with Samsung’s own Galaxy Exynos 8895 SoC. Both are manufactured in 10nm and both have eight custom cores with “a similar big – little configuration” and Cat 16 GigabitLTE modem but, despite similarities, we expect quite a difference in at least some areas. Samsung realised that people like a larger screen in a smaller body and that seems to be the trend in the recent few quarters. It didn’t went for three side bezel less approach like some of the China based competition, but again offered a very eye pleasing design with rounded screen. 

This seams to work for the company as the Galaxy Edge phones enjoyed rather good sales and the Galaxy S8 already looks like a winner. Of course, we have to object the price, as we think it is way more expensive than it should. For some strange reason, that seams to work for the consumers who perceive that more expensive means better too.  

Autore: fudo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Fuad Abazovic) – Home


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