Categories: HardwareSoftware

Qualcomm expects 5G in 1H 2019

Author: bobo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Slobodan Simic) – Home

Things are speeding up

Qualcomm Snapdragon Tech summit 2017 was, of course, a bit about the Gigabit LTE and the 5G.

Cristiano Amon, an executive vice president of Qualcomm Technologies and president of QCT took some time to mention some 5G updates.

First, he mentioned that the first 5G hardware and prototypes have been announced a few months earlier and that things are actually moving ahead of schedule. Snapdagon X50 might be the world’s first full 5G chip to ship in devies in the first half of 2019.

The great point was made, 5G should become as important as electricity. Of course, this thought gets you sparked but if the connectivity on your phone is as important as the battery life.

If you don’t have the juice in your phone, or laptop, you cannot do anything, and it has become the same that many apps won’t work without the internet connection.

When everything is connected, all devices around connected, we will get the new use cases. Netflix takes 35 percent of the US internet traffic and you can imagine that with 5G things will not only get faster, the latency will decrease for as much as 30 times.

Terry Myerson is executive vice president of the Windows and Devices Group (WDG) seemed very excited about all connected PC and this might be the way where the industry will go in 2018 and onward.

Latency will be important for mission-critical devices including self-driving cars and a few other mission-critical tasks. Think about the rescue drones.

5G is getting a lot of traction and there might be some launches as soon as the 1H of 2019. Regulators and things are moving in the right direction. There is a 12 trillion dollars 5G related revenue promise until 2035.


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