Categories: Energia

Schneider Electric Foundation celebrates 25 years of Impact Celebrate with us 25 years of Schneider Electric Foundation!

Author: Schneider Electric

Celebrate with us 25 years of Schneider Electric Foundation!

In November 2023, Schneider Electric Foundation reached its 25th year of existence – marked by people engaged all over the world in delivering very real and meaningful impact for sustainability and inclusion. This milestone is more than a mark in time; it’s a reflection of our impact and our commitment to a sustainable future. If anything, this incredible past holds a lot of promise for the future!

“If anything, this incredible past holds a lot of promise for the future!”

The Journey of 25 Years:

Reflecting the company’s spirit of openness and sharing, the Schneider Electric Foundation was initially created in 1998 to support underprivileged young people living near SE’s various sites, and to help them find their place in society.

Since then, it has developed into a network of committed delegates across dozens of countries where we operate. United by our purpose of bridging progress and sustainability for all.

In its corporate philanthropy policy, the Foundation has always relied on employee involvement to bring its mission to life in local communities.

And the Schneider Electric Foundation’s mission is clear: “Empowering generations, youth in particular with education, social mentoring and entrepreneurship opportunities contributing to wellbeing and sustainability”.


Over the past 25 years, we’ve seen our efforts recognized locally and globally such as in 2003 & 2011 with the ADMICAL corporate philanthropy Oscar for original and exemplary corporate sponsorship policy. More importantly we empowered millions of lives and thousands of communities.

As of today we:

  • Volunteered 49,537 days to support youth and local communities
  • Trained 542,494 people in Energy Management
  • Supported 1,000 non-profit organizations in their action

Renewing our Pledge:

This milestone isn’t just about looking back at our achievements- it’s a reminder of the Impact we can create in the lives of others and the dedication we should have in continuing to make a difference.

It’s a motivation and commitment to keep going for the next 25.

“I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have been a part of this journey and those to come. You are truly impact makers. Let’s continue to work hand in hand to doing good and bringing everyone along.”

For more information visit SE Foundation page.

Here’s to another 25 years and beyond of building a sustainable future together 💚🥂

Tags: Corporate Citizenship, Sustainability


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