Dive into the captivating world of 1992 with my first solo album, “Accident in Paradise”. Born from the depths of profound emotional experiences and incidents processed during my second extended stay in India, this album is a testament to the power of immersive cultural exploration.

Equipped with a DAT recorder, I captured the essence of India – the bustling markets, vibrant streets, serene beaches, and the enigmatic jungle. These authentic sounds are not just auditory experiences; they are the heartbeat of the album, blending with my own artistic vision.

The album is a melange of spiritual and cultural journeys, crystallizing into a concept that was brought to life back in Frankfurt. Working alongside the talented Ralf Hildenbeutel, a friend and a very sensitive, exceptional musician, we transformed these inspirations into a sonic masterpiece.

And then, in 1993, the video for “Accident in Paradise” was released. It’s more than just a music video; it’s a portal back to an era and an experience that shaped my artistic trajectory. So sit back, press play, and enjoy a piece of musical history that continues to resonate decades later.

Credit: Director: Angel Garcia


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