Categories: Energia

Shaping the Future: An Inside Look at Schneider Electric’s Graduate Alumni Journey

Author: Schneider Electric

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Dive into the journeys of Schneider Electric’s Graduate alumni! Discover where our past graduates are now and how they continue to shape a brighter, more sustainable future.

In this blog, Leah Warren tells us about her journey to becoming a Customer Success Manager at Schneider Electric. Let’s go!

Describe your first impression of Schneider Electric as a graduate and how it influenced your early days at the company. Did it match your expectations, were there any surprises?

My first impressions of Schneider Electric was that it has a very friendly atmosphere. It that had an environment which encouraged me to learn, as well as explore my own interests within my grad role.

Can you share a project or initiative you were a part of during your time as a grad? How did it shape your professional trajectory and the value you bring to Schneider Electric?

A project I was involved in during my first placement in Segment Marketing was the creation of the Agri-Tech strategy deck. This was a great opportunity to me as I was able to present the final product on the Community of Practice, company-wide call. This not only gave me valuable insights into how new projects are valued and considered within our business. But it also gave me the opportunity to present to a very large audience. This has further led to me presentation and confidence skills in my professional career.

In what ways have you felt that your role as a graduate at Schneider Electric made a tangible impact, both within the company and in the broader context of energy and sustainable solutions?

The work in my first placement was important in having long term environmental impact for the world of agriculture. The solutions that Schneider were building enhanced sustainability within this space, in particular around vertical farming and its use of water consumption in comparison to traditional farming.

What advice would you give to incoming graduates to make the most of their time at Schneider Electric, and how do you envision the future of graduates contributing to the company’s mission?

The advice I would give to an incoming graduate would be to enjoy the professional freedom that being a graduate allows you – spend as much time with as many people within the business that you can. This allows you to form a larger overview understanding of Schneider as a whole, as well as an informal networking opportunity. 

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About the author

Leah Warren, Customer Success Manager

Leah is a Customer Success Manager at Schneider Electric in Servicer after joining Schneider in September of 2022 as a graduate. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in 2021 in Sociology, and my Master’s degree in Humanitarian Engineering in 2022. Leah enjoys her role as a CSM as it revolves around client management, with a strong face-to-face element, which is something she wanted from her permanent position. As well as customer interactions, there is an organisational and problem-solving element to being a CSM which keeps her thinking outside the box, as well as gives her the experiences to learn and grow within the company. Being an employee of Schneider has also given Leah the opportunity to achieve a lifelong dream of running a marathon which she completed in Paris this year and will be running again next year.

Tags: alumni, career, graduate


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