Categories: Energia

Designing the Intelligent Automated Enterprise via Green IT

Author: Schneider Electric

This audio was created using Microsoft Azure Speech Services

As Schneider Electric’s Chief Information Officer, I recently had the privilege of engaging in an insightful conversation with Hunter Muller, the Founder and CEO of HMG Strategy, during the HMG Strategy New York 2024 Summit. Our discussion delved deep into the themes of sustainability within the IT realm, the fast-paced advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), and the crucial role of forming effective partnerships, providing insights into our dedicated pursuit of a more sustainable and technological future.   

The genesis of Schneider Electric’s Green IT initiative

The journey toward what has now become our Green IT Initiative started with a moment of clarity a few years back. Sustainability transcends mere rhetoric, forming the bedrock of our company’s ethos. A pivotal moment arose a few years ago when we reevaluated our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) objectives, prompting a profound inquiry into the role of IT in sustainability. It was soon realized that the energy consumption of almost half a million IT assets under Schneider Electric’s purview had been overlooked.  

The revelation came with what I like to refer to as the mini data center challenge. These essential server rooms, situated within the company’s facilities, were not only consuming substantial amounts of energy but also were running without the most cutting-edge solutions. This realization propelled us to adopt our EcoStruxure IT solutions for DCIM, facilitating the proactive monitoring and management of our IT equipment’s energy use. This approach turned what was initially an oversight into a golden opportunity to bolster our sustainability and security enhancement. Find out more about our “Green IT” Initiatives for IMPACT.  

Measuring green milestones

Embarking on this path towards sustainability has been an eye-opening and transformative experience for us at Schneider Electric. Initially, we laid the groundwork by determining our server consumption baseline before migrating to cloud solutions. This exercise was critical as it set the stage for us to form partnerships with providers who shared our sustainability vision. 

Thanks to a forward-thinking strategy, guided by IT asset advisories, we’ve managed to anticipate and prevent potential failures. Furthermore, these advisories have informed our decisions on whether to update or replace equipment, thereby boosting our energy efficiency and shrinking our security risks. Try now our EcoStruxure IT Expert, the ultimate DCIM solution.    

Cultivating productive partnerships

The key to our success in these sustainability ventures has always been the incredible partnerships. To bridge the divide between business transformation projects and IT requirements, our organization conceptualized the idea of the ‘power couple.’ By pairing senior business leaders with top-tier IT team members, projects were revitalized through shared goals and collaborative effort, achieving remarkable success.  

Exercising caution in the AI landscape

Amidst the excitement surrounding AI, cybersecurity needs to be closely monitored. As AI technologies advance, so too do the capabilities of cyber adversaries, raising significant concerns for data privacy and system security. However, it’s within these challenges that I see tremendous potential for positive change, illustrating the dual nature of AI’s evolution. 

Reflecting on the cycle of innovation

Looking back on my journey, I’ve been fortunate to witness first-hand the gradual integration of the internet into both our personal lives and the professional realm. Now, as AI evolves at a rapid pace, it presents an exhilarating yet formidable challenge. It’s a development that calls for an ongoing reassessment of our strategies to responsibly leverage AI’s capabilities. 

Envisioning a sustainable and secure future

At Schneider Electric, our commitment to sustainability envisions a future where technology, used responsibly, leads the way to a greener, more secure planet.  

As we advance our path of technological, sustainability, and partnership exploration, the journey is marked by ongoing learning and adaptation. The commitment to making a significant impact for the current and future generations remains unwavering.  

Stay connected for more insights and updates as Schneider Electric continues to champion a sustainable and secure future through the Energy Digitalization.  

Meet me at next HMG event (Boston, September 12th), find all the details here.   

Tags: DC Professional, DCIM, EcoStruxure IT, Green IT, IT Professional, Sustainability


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