Come si mantengono galla le rinnovabili italiane

( – Cresce il fotovoltaico, migliorano l’eolico e l’idroelettrico: nel complesso le rinnovabili italiane stanno mostrando di sapersi mantenere a…

24 Settembre 2016

Swarm Intelligence Push 2 Performance

Droned-out ambience and densely layered field recordings, distorted beats and industrial-edged basslines – these are the cornerstones of the darkly…

24 Settembre 2016

Der letzte Schrei: Der Hamdog aus Australien

Hamburger oder lieber Hotdog – oder beides hintereinander? Diesen Konflikt im Leben eines Fastfood-Liebhabers löst eine Erfindung aus Australien: der…

24 Settembre 2016

Google and Salesforce place interest in bids to acquire Twitter

Acquisition possible before end of year In a recent turn of events on Friday, Google and Salesforce have made offers…

24 Settembre 2016

WeDJ Tutorial 05 – MIXER

Learn how use WeDJ's mixer to adjust the volume of low, mids and high frequency's.Get the WeDJ App: the…

24 Settembre 2016