
Bridging the IT Talent Gap needs more than Education

Author: Schneider Electric This audio was created using Microsoft Azure Speech Services. STAND FIRST: People today want more than salary…

22 Febbraio 2024

The electrical panel – A home’s hidden safety gatekeeper

Author: Schneider Electric This audio was created using Microsoft Azure Speech Services. In today’s fast-paced world in which high-tech gadgets…

22 Febbraio 2024

Espansione fonti fossili: l’UE non ne avrà bisogno

Author: Rinnovabili.it Immagine generata con IA.Bruxelles dovrebbe dire no all’espansione delle fonti fossili da parte dei suoi fornitori (Rinnovabili.it) –…

22 Febbraio 2024

The three pillars of energy data: accuracy, availability, and timeliness

Author: Schneider Electric This audio was created using Microsoft Azure Speech Services. Over the past decade, there has been an…

22 Febbraio 2024

Spotting the invisible threat in medium voltage switchgear: Detecting partial discharge before it strikes

Author: Schneider Electric This audio was created using Microsoft Azure Speech Services. If you work in an industrial or manufacturing…

21 Febbraio 2024