
Toward net-zero value chains: How to minimize your Scope 3 emissions

Author: Schneider Electric Government and business leaders, climate experts, and other stakeholders gathering for the COP28 United Nations Climate Change…

1 Dicembre 2023

Revolutionizing the role of the engineer with smart technology

Author: Schneider Electric When working with Industrial Automation experts on projects, the last thing a business wants is time and…

1 Dicembre 2023

Conferenza sul clima Cop28: al via il vertice globale di Dubai

Author: Rinnovabili.it crediti: UNClimateChange via Flickr CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 DEEDIl summit di Dubai si svolge dal 30 novembre al 12…

1 Dicembre 2023

Dismantling Societal Barriers for Genuine Inclusivity

Author: Schneider Electric December 3rd is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. At Schneider Electric, we want our employees to feel welcomed…

30 Novembre 2023