
Huawei sold 5 million Mate 9 smartphones

Since launch in November It looks like that Huawei Mate 9 was a hot sell in the last few months.…

15 Aprile 2017

AMD Acquires 60 GHz Wireless IP and Staff from Nitero

AMD on Tuesday announced that it had acquired millimeter wave radio-related intellectual property and key engineers from Nitero. Nitero…

15 Aprile 2017

T-Mobile US spent $8 billion on 4G network

Buys you 1,500 wireless licenses It is not a big secret that Verizon is the biggest network in the US,…

15 Aprile 2017

Nokia 6 riceve un nuovo aggiornamento

Vi abbiamo comunicato diverse settimane fa che la versione bianca di Nokia 6 sarebbe stata commercializzata dall’11 aprile (qui il…

15 Aprile 2017

Xiaomi Mi6 gets top GeekBench score

Beats Samsung Galaxy S8 Xiaomi Mi6 is launching in the coming week and the most of the details about the…

15 Aprile 2017