
[642] America’s horrible pension underfunding debacle

The top story: The French parliament has officially adopted a controversial new labor law. Elsewhere, Anthem and Cigna are to be sued by the U.S., which seeks to block the insurers’ merger. Ameera David has details. Afterwards, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei reports on how India has cleared a path for Apple to open its first retail store, despite a lack of locally-sourced product. Then, RT Correspondent Manuel Rapalo explains why Airbnb has hired former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to tackle discrimination.

After the break, Ameera David talks to University of California-Berkeley economics professor Barry Eichengreen about the impact of the Brexit vote on emerging markets and Europe. And in the Big Deal, Ameera and Edward Harrison discuss America’s horrible pension underfunding problem.
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The top story: The French parliament has officially adopted a controversial new labor law. Elsewhere, Anthem and Cigna are to be sued by the U.S., which seeks to block the insurers’ merger. Ameera David has details. Afterwards, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei reports on how India has cleared a path for Apple to open its first retail store, despite a lack of locally-sourced product. Then, RT Correspondent Manuel Rapalo explains why Airbnb has hired former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to tackle discrimination.After the break, Ameera David talks to University of California-Berkeley economics professor Barry Eichengreen about the impact of the Brexit vote on emerging markets and Europe. And in the Big Deal, Ameera and Edward Harrison discuss America’s horrible pension underfunding problem. Take a look!Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: us @

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