
[644] Yahoo-Verizon; Big CEO pay often means big underperformance

The top story: Telecom giant Verizon is buying Internet portal Yahoo’s core business for $4.83 billion. Elsewhere, US companies are failing to make debt payments at twice the pace they were a year ago. Ameera David has details. Afterwards, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei reports on the wave of violence hitting Germany. The attacks have put Chancellor Merkel in the spotlight. Then, RT Correspondent Ashlee Banks details how the best-paid CEOs in America actually run some of the worst-performing companies – at least as far as shareholders are concerned.

After the break, Ameera talks to Westwood Capital Partner Dan Alpert about what could trip up the bull market in shares given the underlying growth in the US economy. And in the Big Deal, Ameera and Edward Harrison continue the discussion on Yahoo-Verizon and what it says about Internet disruption.

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The top story: Telecom giant Verizon is buying Internet portal Yahoo’s core business for $4.83 billion. Elsewhere, US companies are failing to make debt payments at twice the pace they were a year ago. Ameera David has details. Afterwards, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei reports on the wave of violence hitting Germany. The attacks have put Chancellor Merkel in the spotlight. Then, RT Correspondent Ashlee Banks details how the best-paid CEOs in America actually run some of the worst-performing companies – at least as far as shareholders are concerned.After the break, Ameera talks to Westwood Capital Partner Dan Alpert about what could trip up the bull market in shares given the underlying growth in the US economy. And in the Big Deal, Ameera and Edward Harrison continue the discussion on Yahoo-Verizon and what it says about Internet disruption. Take a look!Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: us @

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