
AMD is on the up

Opinion Intel must be worried

Last week’s AMD results show that the company is set to make more headway this year and next, with its upcoming Zen processors definitely giving Intel the heebie jeebies.

AMD’s share price rose by over 10 percent on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday, partly as a result of sales going up close to 10 percent year on year. and 23 percent compared to the preceding quarter.

While AMD has had its difficulties, the Polaris RX-480 is doing well and, according to Seeking Alpha, its licensing fees have shot up by close to 50 percent.

Analysts at Seeking Alpha put it like this: “The future for AMD is very bright at least through 2017 and probably beyond that.”

More importantly for AMD, big server manufacturers like HP and Lenovo are yearning for an alternative to having to pay through the hose for Intel Xeon processors and can’t wait for Zen server chips to light up the gloom they’ve plunged into because of Chipzilla.

AMD is also doing really rather well on the console front too, as a result of Nintendo’s belief in its graphics and system on a chip future.

Apparently AMD’s joint venture with Thatic will lift revenues from a predicted $ 52 million to $ 75 million duing the course of this year.

As Fuad Abazovic has noted many times in Fudzilla, Zen looks like being a very sweet morsel for AMD during both the latter part of this year and particularly in 2017.

Autore: – Home

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