
Qualcomm settles sex discrimination case before it gets to court

$ 20 million because its reigning men

Qualcomm has written a $ 20 million cheque to make a gender discrimination case go away.

The lawsuit was brought by class action specialists Sanford Heisler, on the basis that the company’s promotion systems prevented women getting the top jobs. Qualcomm had an unusual system. To get a promotion Qualcomm’s staffers needed their managers’ sponsorship.This made it impossible for staff to “self-nominate” for a promotion so this meant that only people willing to lobby their bosses would be blokes.

After two days of mediation, and with independent analysis of its employment and payroll data, Qualcomm agreed to the settlement, so there must be something in it.

That means by the time papers get dropped in front of a judge, the hearing will only need to rubber-stamp the settlement. That will happen at an unspecified date in the US District Court in Southern California.

Qualcomm alse agreed to make sure women in its STEM positions will have the same opportunities as men.

Autore: – Home

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