
[650] Versace: Invest thematically if you want better returns

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The top story: Personal spending rose more than expected last month but Ford and GM saw July sales dip. Ameera David has details. Afterwards, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei reports why Indonesian seaweed farmers are going to file a $200 million class action over a Timor Sea oil spill. Then, RT Correspondent Trinity Chavez reveals why the malware underbelly of the recent Pokemon Go mania has a leading security firm saying 9 out of 10 Pokemon Go-themed Android apps are malicious.

After the break, Edward Harrison talks to Tematica’s Chris Versace about stocks, with details about Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook. And in the Big Deal, Ameera and Edward discuss the Fed’s recent survey showing increasing credit tightening for commercial and industrial loans in the US.

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The top story: Personal spending rose more than expected last month but Ford and GM saw July sales dip. Ameera David has details. Afterwards, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei reports why Indonesian seaweed farmers are going to file a $200 million class action over a Timor Sea oil spill. Then, RT Correspondent Trinity Chavez reveals why the malware underbelly of the recent Pokemon Go mania has a leading security firm saying 9 out of 10 Pokemon Go-themed Android apps are malicious. After the break, Edward Harrison talks to Tematica’s Chris Versace about stocks, with details about Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook. And in the Big Deal, Ameera and Edward discuss the Fed’s recent survey showing increasing credit tightening for commercial and industrial loans in the US.Take a look!Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: us @

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