
Austrian actor pushes South Korean products in USA

Dancing with the devils

Samsung is spending millions of dollars pushing its upcoming Galaxy Note 7 tablet in the USA and thinks that hiring Austrian film star Christopher Waltz to mock how busy citizens already are will help persuade Americans to favour a Korean product over Apple offerings.

According to Android Headlines, Waltz, who starred in Django Unchained and Spectre, has made a series of adverts to promote the Korean products for the Galaxy Note 7, described as a phablet by the wire.

In an advert, Waltz mocks Americans for constantly working working working and being busy busy busy.

The specs for the tablet seem to be pretty interesting as the thing only weighs 169 grammes, has a 5.7 inch screen and comes with four gigabytes of RAM and a pretty respectable 64 gigabytes of storage.

Apple, according to insiders close to the Cupertino firm, is seriously rattled by the depradations on its market from the South Korean outsider.

And, if previous reports on Fudzilla are to be believed, Apple has very little up its sleeves to fight against the foreign contenders for its American throne.

The tablet will make its appearance on the 19th of August but no prices are yet available although it’s believed Samsung will really go for the jugular in an increasingly competitive market.

Autore: – Home

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