
[673] Is Apple a tax cheat?

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The top stories: JBS’s CEO has been ordered to step aside in a Brazil pension fund probe. Elsewhere, Saudi Arabia and Russia have vowed to co-operate on oil—but without agreeing to a production freeze. Ameera David has details. Then, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei reports on the latest merger talks between Bayer and Monsanto, with Bayer upping its bid to secure the global agri-giant. Afterwards, RT Correspondent Ashlee Banks presents an overview of exactly what the G-20 has achieved and what economic issues are front and center.

After the break, Ameera speaks about the European Commission’s tax case against Apple with James Henry, Senior advisor at Tax Justice Network and author of “The Blood Bankers”. And in the Big Deal, Edward Harrison joins to discuss German election results, where the right-wing AfD has edged past Angela Merkel’s CDU party.

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The top stories: JBS’s CEO has been ordered to step aside in a Brazil pension fund probe. Elsewhere, Saudi Arabia and Russia have vowed to co-operate on oil—but without agreeing to a production freeze. Ameera David has details. Then, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei reports on the latest merger talks between Bayer and Monsanto, with Bayer upping its bid to secure the global agri-giant. Afterwards, RT Correspondent Ashlee Banks presents an overview of exactly what the G-20 has achieved and what economic issues are front and center.After the break, Ameera speaks about the European Commission’s tax case against Apple with James Henry, Senior advisor at Tax Justice Network and author of “The Blood Bankers”. And in the Big Deal, Edward Harrison joins to discuss German election results, where the right-wing AfD has edged past Angela Merkel’s CDU party.Take a look!Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: us @

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