
[676] MasterCard, Wells Fargo face massive fraud allegations

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The UK’s trade deficit shrank sharply in July, while German exports also fell sharply. Edward Harrison has the details. Then, RT Correspondent Peter Oliver reports from Berlin on the 13 foot wall in Calais that Britain is building to block refugees from entering the UK illegally. Afterwards, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei explains a recent World Bank study that estimates air pollution costs the global economy over $5 trillion annually. RT correspondent Marina Portnaya then reports on why MasterCard is being sued for $19 billion in Britain's biggest ever damages claim.

After the break, Edward speaks to Milepoint founder and View from the Wing Blogger Gary Leff about the latest trends in air travel and travel credit cards. And in the Big Deal, Edward is joined by Simone del Rosario, who breaks down the background behind a record $190 million Consumer Financial Protection Bureau penalty levied against Wells Fargo.

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The UK’s trade deficit shrank sharply in July, while German exports also fell sharply. Edward Harrison has the details. Then, RT Correspondent Peter Oliver reports from Berlin on the 13 foot wall in Calais that Britain is building to block refugees from entering the UK illegally. Afterwards, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei explains a recent World Bank study that estimates air pollution costs the global economy over $5 trillion annually. RT correspondent Marina Portnaya then reports on why MasterCard is being sued for $19 billion in Britain's biggest ever damages claim.After the break, Edward speaks to Milepoint founder and View from the Wing Blogger Gary Leff about the latest trends in air travel and travel credit cards. And in the Big Deal, Edward is joined by Simone del Rosario, who breaks down the background behind a record $190 million Consumer Financial Protection Bureau penalty levied against Wells Fargo.Take a look!Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: us @

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