
[677] OPEC opening up to non-members?

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Jean-Claude Juncker has asked an EU ethics panel to investigate former European Commission head Jose Barroso's job at Goldman Sachs. Ameera David has the details. Then, Bianca Facchinei reports on how homeowners are taking precedence over renters in the U.S. election. Afterwards, RT Correspondent Manuel Rapalo reports from North Dakota, where Native American tribes have won a partial victory in their quest to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

After the break, Ameera speaks to Marin Katusa, chairman of Katusa Research, about the potential for an oil deal between OPEC and Russia, and whether the oil market has finally come into balance. And finally, in the Big Deal, Edward Harrison discusses how much the Fed is responsible for recent jitters in both the bond and equity markets globally.

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Jean-Claude Juncker has asked an EU ethics panel to investigate former European Commission head Jose Barroso's job at Goldman Sachs. Ameera David has the details. Then, Bianca Facchinei reports on how homeowners are taking precedence over renters in the U.S. election. Afterwards, RT Correspondent Manuel Rapalo reports from North Dakota, where Native American tribes have won a partial victory in their quest to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.After the break, Ameera speaks to Marin Katusa, chairman of Katusa Research, about the potential for an oil deal between OPEC and Russia, and whether the oil market has finally come into balance. And finally, in the Big Deal, Edward Harrison discusses how much the Fed is responsible for recent jitters in both the bond and equity markets globally.Find Marin Katusa’s research and newsletter at: us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: us @

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