
‘Mark Wright can’t watch Michelle Keegan with co-star Luke’

How is Mark Wright coping with Michelle Keegan’s sexy Our Girl scenes

It can’t be easy watching your missus snogging the face off another man, let alone acting out a sex scene. But, that’s exactly what Mark Wright had to do last week, as Michelle Keegan hit our screens as Lance Corporal Georgie Lane in Our Girl.

Just minutes into the BBC drama, Georgie was seen getting steamy with her fiancé, Special Forces officer Elvis Harte, played by Luke Pasqualino. And throughout the series things  are set to heat up some more  – something our insider says Mark is finding  quite difficult.

‘Mark gets that his wife is an actress and has some spicy roles, but he’s a man and likes to be leader of the pack. To see Michelle snogging other blokes – and worse – is like a punch in the face,’ says our source. ‘He acts casual, but goes ballistic when anyone winds him up about it. He loves a bit of banter, but this is off limits.’


While Michelle was promoting the show last week, she addressed concerns Mark might struggle with her saucy on-screen antics. ‘Everyone makes a big deal… but he’s seen me kiss loads of guys… It’s my job – I can’t just turn around and say: “I don’t want to do this,”’ she explained.

Something that’s sure to leave Mark feeling uneasy are the comments that have popped up online as a result of Michelle’s scenes with Luke.

One Twitter user wrote: ‘I couldn’t cope  being @MarkWright_  and watching my missus  @michkeegan bonking another bloke on tele!!’ Another tweeted: ‘30 seconds in  @michkeegan is getting ploughed wonder if  @MarkWright_ is watching #OurGirl.’

Our insider adds: ‘Michelle’s no mug. She knows Mark needs reassurance and goes out of her way to make him feel better. She’ll say things about her leading men having  bad breath  or needing a splash of aftershave  to cover up  their BO.

‘It works, up to  a point, but the bottom line is that Michelle is more serious about her acting than she’s ever been and Mark’s going to have to live with the sex scenes.’

Autore: CelebsNow

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