
[685] Yahoo! hit with massive hack, corporate taxes cut worldwide

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Yahoo! confirmed rumors that it had been hit by a massive 2014 security breach affecting 500 million user accounts. Elsewhere, the corporate tax rate is on a downward trend according to a new report from the OECD. Ameera David has the details on both stories. Bianca Facchinei then examines new allegations from a Wells Fargo employee who claims he was fired for blowing the whistle on the banks fraudulent activities. Then, Manuel Rapalo takes a look at German and U.S. lawmakers increasing scrutiny of the mammoth Monsanto-Bayer merger.

After the break, George Gilder, author of the new book "The Scandal of Money " discusses his ideas for fixing the US economy. And finally, in The Big Deal, Edward Harrison analyzes the role monetary policy plays in an uncertain global growth environment.

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Yahoo! confirmed rumors that it had been hit by a massive 2014 security breach affecting 500 million user accounts. Elsewhere, the corporate tax rate is on a downward trend according to a new report from the OECD. Ameera David has the details on both stories. Bianca Facchinei then examines new allegations from a Wells Fargo employee who claims he was fired for blowing the whistle on the banks fraudulent activities. Then, Manuel Rapalo takes a look at German and U.S. lawmakers increasing scrutiny of the mammoth Monsanto-Bayer merger.After the break, George Gilder, author of the new book "The Scandal of Money " discusses his ideas for fixing the US economy. And finally, in The Big Deal, Edward Harrison analyzes the role monetary policy plays in an uncertain global growth environment.Take a look!Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: us @

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