Digital Audio

iLoud Micro Monitor – 4. Proper crossover and driver alignment

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Small budget monitors typically have passive crossovers, weak power amps and low quality drivers, plus resonant and compromised enclosures. Inaccurate crossovers can make the response at the crossover point dramatically skewed both in magnitude and phase. To minimize this problem most budget monitor manufacturers tend to design the crossover with some space in frequency response between the two drivers that can compromise the response on the midrange and create the “midrange dip” you always hear on budget "monitors”.

Instead, professional monitors are very accurate with crossovers and a lot of care is always taken to perfectly match the drivers at the crossover points, both in magnitude and phase. The crossover point of a 2-way studio monitor falls exactly in the middle of the spectrum typically where vocals live, and a bad crossover actually makes it impossible to make good decisions when mixing.

More at budget monitors typically have passive crossovers, weak power amps and low quality drivers, plus resonant and compromised enclosures. Inaccurate crossovers can make the response at the crossover point dramatically skewed both in magnitude and phase. To minimize this problem most budget monitor manufacturers tend to design the crossover with some space in frequency response between the two drivers that can compromise the response on the midrange and create the “midrange dip” you always hear on budget "monitors”.Instead, professional monitors are very accurate with crossovers and a lot of care is always taken to perfectly match the drivers at the crossover points, both in magnitude and phase. The crossover point of a 2-way studio monitor falls exactly in the middle of the spectrum typically where vocals live, and a bad crossover actually makes it impossible to make good decisions when mixing.More at

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