
5 ways to stop yourself getting a cold

It’s that time of year when colds and flu are rife! Protect yourself with these tips…

We’re sniffing, coughing, spluttering, sneezing…EVERYTHING. It seems as though the second English weather turns chilly, we find ourselves digging out every form of get-well-soon drug to cure us of colds and flu.

Well, we’ve had enough! The experts at Rowse have shared their top 5 tips for boosting your  defences so you can glide through winter without a tissue in sight. (Although we can’t promise anything…)

1. De-Stress

Stress undermines your immune system in multiple ways making it hard to protect itself from colds and flu. Ensure you relax and unplug.


2. Eat well

It’s not all about green juices though. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains so that your immune system has all the vitamins, minerals and chemicals it needs for optimum protection.

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3.Hands off your face!

It’s tempting to scratch, pick, stroke…whatever, but this will only make things worse. If your hands are always on your face, cold and flue germs are more likely to invade. Ensure you wash your hands regularly too. Use hot water and soap, paying attention to the skin between fingers, under fingernails and around rings.

4.Keep active

Smokers actually get more colds than non-smokers, and they tend to last for longer. Quitting helps to boost your immune system.

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5.Stop smoking

It doesn’t have to mean crack-of-dawn runs in the pitch black and freezing cold! Try some new classes at the gym or get outside on your lunch break for a 30 minute stroll. Exercise sparks a temporary rise in immune system cells circulating around the body, making it easier to fight off bugs.

6.Limit alcohol

Yes, it’s hard but excessive alcohol consumption over a prolonged period of time can weaken your immune system. Make sure you have a few days off the booze each week and when you do drink, limit the amount you consume.

Autore: CelebsNow

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