
World Exclusive: Cheryl and Jean Bernard Fernandez-Versini could divorce TODAY

As baby rumours about Cheryl and Liam Payne reach fever pitch, her divorce from JB is finally agreed

After months of negotiations, and nearly a year since they called quits on their 18-month marriage, Cheryl and former husband Jean Bernard Fernadez-Versini are FINALLY getting divorced.

[GIF] Nicola Roberts Cheryl Styled To Rock

Now has been told on good authority that Cheryl and JB – who tied the knot on the island of Mustique in July 2014 – will have their divorce papers processed just before midnight on 19 October 2016.

‘It’s finally happening. It’s been a long battle, but they’re finally there,’ our source told us.

If this happens this evening then it will be a day before previous reports alleged the papers would go through.


We’re told Cheryl , 33,  and restaurant entrepreneur JB, 35, will be granted a Decree Nisi but neither party will be present at the Court.

What does this divorce mean for Cheryl?  

These papers finally being processed is the result of months of negotiations, but according to reports Cheryl and JB reached an agreement two months ago.

There will be no financial settlement. ‘Lots of wild figures have been thrown about, but that is the truth, as the documents will show. JB is not going to be paid any money by Cheryl,’ a source previously told The Sun.

What is a Decree Nisi? 

Decree Nisi is an order of the Court confirming that the grounds for the divorce have been proved and that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. It does not, however, mean that Cheryl and JB will actually be divorced, which comes only with a Decree Absolute.

There is then a six week period before Cheryl can apply for Decree Absolute which is the last part of the divorce procedure. This ends the marriage – the parties are then divorced and can remarry.

Cue the diamonds, Liam!


So what does this mean for her and Liam?

A source told Now earlier this week that the fact that Cheryl was legally married to one man, but in a very serious relationship with another has been a source of great stress: ‘Liam’s quite old-fashioned in his views and he wants to marry Cheryl. He’d rather have children in wedlock than out, but until she gets divorced she can’t marry him. That’s understandably causing tension.’

For months, rumours have grown claiming that ‘Chiam’ are expecting a baby, and despite some very suggestive ‘bump’ pictures emerging, neither have acknowledged it officially. Perhaps having Jean-Bernard out of their lives is all that’s needed for them to finally address the rumours.

‘Cheryl’s been caught between two men who want very different things and she’ll be relieved when it’s all over,’ our source revealed.


Autore: CelebsNow

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