
Free Energy Generator Innova Tehu Live Streaming Demo Part 3

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Free Energy Generator Innova Tehu Live Streaming Demo Part 3
This was today the 2nd Live Demonstration via Youtube Live Streaming of the Free Energy Generator from company Innova Tehu EU at the 3rd of November.
I was a bit late today, as they have started a bit before 16:00 ( 4 pm)
and I needed to rewind to record the starting phase and then I forwarded to the end when they stopped again the device…
Unfortunately the Chatwindow was disabled almost all the time… only at the end it was enabled again, but I did not record at this time, so in this video there is no Chat window and I was lucky, that I still could record the Live STream at all, cause Innova Tehu deleted them after the Live STreaming… At the end of this video is then also their
latest movie, where they go around the machine and show it in all detail.

They want to patent this Free Energy Generator and sell it at the End of December 2016 for around 3000 Euros. It puts out around 7 KWatts they claim…

Have a look at their latest video about it, where they go around the device and show it from all angles…

They claim:
Energy Free Device, … power for 3 x heater of 2000W = 6000W, 1 x Halogen heater 800 W, 500 W light…All together 7.3Kw

Regards, Stefan.

Free Energy Generator Innova Tehu Live Streaming Demo Part 3http://www.overunity.comThis was today the 2nd Live Demonstration via Youtube Live Streaming of the Free Energy Generator from company Innova Tehu EU at the 3rd of November. I was a bit late today, as they have started a bit before 16:00 ( 4 pm)and I needed to rewind to record the starting phase and then I forwarded to the end when they stopped again the device…Unfortunately the Chatwindow was disabled almost all the time… only at the end it was enabled again, but I did not record at this time, so in this video there is no Chat window and I was lucky, that I still could record the Live STream at all, cause Innova Tehu deleted them after the Live STreaming… At the end of this video is then also theirlatest movie, where they go around the machine and show it in all detail.They want to patent this Free Energy Generator and sell it at the End of December 2016 for around 3000 Euros. It puts out around 7 KWatts they claim…Have a look at their latest video about it, where they go around the device and show it from all angles… claim:Energy Free Device, … power for 3 x heater of 2000W = 6000W, 1 x Halogen heater 800 W, 500 W light…All together 7.3KwRegards, Stefan.

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