
[716] New emissions cheating device found on Audi vehicles?

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The U.K.’s Tesco Bank was hit by hackers, with 20,000 customers affected. Plus, a new emissions cheating device has allegedly been found on some Audi vehicles. Edward Harrison has the details. Then, Bianca Facchinei reports from Berlin to get an international take on the view of the U.S. presidential election. James Galbraith, professor of government at the University of Texas – Austin, then tells Ameera David what he thinks of U.S. inequality and some so-called “myths.”

After the break, Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, breaks down whether GDP numbers are all their cracked up to be. And finally, in The Big Deal, Ed Schultz joins Ed Harrison for an election-eve political breakdown.

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The U.K.’s Tesco Bank was hit by hackers, with 20,000 customers affected. Plus, a new emissions cheating device has allegedly been found on some Audi vehicles. Edward Harrison has the details. Then, Bianca Facchinei reports from Berlin to get an international take on the view of the U.S. presidential election. James Galbraith, professor of government at the University of Texas – Austin, then tells Ameera David what he thinks of U.S. inequality and some so-called “myths.”After the break, Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, breaks down whether GDP numbers are all their cracked up to be. And finally, in The Big Deal, Ed Schultz joins Ed Harrison for an election-eve political breakdown.Take a look!Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: us @

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