
[724] Volkswagen slashes thirty thousand jobs

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Just a year after cheating emissions, Volkswagen slashed 30,000 jobs. Ameera David has the details. Then, Bianca Facchinei reports on the latest numbers from Wells Fargo, which are less than stellar following that banks account scandal. After, Manuel Rapalo discusses a new blow to the North Dakota Access Pipeline, as Norway’s largest bank sells its assets in the project.

After the break, Ameera David polls you the viewers. Is Trump the President at conflict with Trump the business? Then Ameera David interviews Axel Merk, President & CIO of Merk Investments, on the most recent federal debt numbers and whether a Trump Presidency will affect them. Finally, in the Big Deal Ed Harrison takes a look at the U.S. Department of Justice’s $14 billion penalties against Deutsche Bank.

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Just a year after cheating emissions, Volkswagen slashed 30,000 jobs. Ameera David has the details. Then, Bianca Facchinei reports on the latest numbers from Wells Fargo, which are less than stellar following that banks account scandal. After, Manuel Rapalo discusses a new blow to the North Dakota Access Pipeline, as Norway’s largest bank sells its assets in the project. After the break, Ameera David polls you the viewers. Is Trump the President at conflict with Trump the business? Then Ameera David interviews Axel Merk, President & CIO of Merk Investments, on the most recent federal debt numbers and whether a Trump Presidency will affect them. Finally, in the Big Deal Ed Harrison takes a look at the U.S. Department of Justice’s $14 billion penalties against Deutsche Bank. Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: us @

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