
[722] Bill Gross: No ‘bull market’ under Trump

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Investor Bill Gross is making the prediction that President-Elect Donald Trump will disappoint his supporters, and we shouldn’t expect a bull market under the politician. Ameera David has the details. Then, Bianca Facchinei takes a look at the profits of oil giants BP and Shell. Afterwards, Manuel Rapalo breaks down how world leaders at the COP22 climate change conference in Morocco are reacting to the Trump phenomenon.

Following the break, Cate Long, partner at Puerto Rico Clearinghouse, gives her take on the Puerto Rico’s new governor, Ricardo Rosello, and what the island may face under a Trump presidency. And finally, in The Big Deal, Edward Harrison takes a look at the messy U.S. mortgage market, in which interest rates are rising.

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Investor Bill Gross is making the prediction that President-Elect Donald Trump will disappoint his supporters, and we shouldn’t expect a bull market under the politician. Ameera David has the details. Then, Bianca Facchinei takes a look at the profits of oil giants BP and Shell. Afterwards, Manuel Rapalo breaks down how world leaders at the COP22 climate change conference in Morocco are reacting to the Trump phenomenon.Following the break, Cate Long, partner at Puerto Rico Clearinghouse, gives her take on the Puerto Rico’s new governor, Ricardo Rosello, and what the island may face under a Trump presidency. And finally, in The Big Deal, Edward Harrison takes a look at the messy U.S. mortgage market, in which interest rates are rising.Take a look!Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: us @

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