
Oh no he didn’t! Geordie Shore star Scotty T QUITS his role in pantomime in a shock move

(Oh yes he did…)

In news that is sure to disappoint fans, Scotty T has pulled out of his performances in a Leeds pantomime production of Snow White.

Originally cast in the role of ‘Prince’ in the classic panto, Scotty has now revealed that he has walked from the show over some extreme pay disputes with the organisers.

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In a statement shared to Twitter on Tuesday afternoon (20th December), the Geordie Shore star informed his fans of the shocking news.

‘Unfortunately I will not be appearing any further at the White Rose production of Snow White’, he began.

‘The company consisting of David Thomas, Colin Enos and David Lee have continually given me false promise of payment with none of them claiming ownership of the company.

‘At this time with no contact from the directors of the company with a promise to pay I have to withdraw from the show.’

The TV star then went on to claim that he’s only received a fraction of his agreed fee – despite having lent the organisers over £7000 for production costs.

‘I have been paid only 10 percent of my fee whilst lending the production over £7000 to cover accommodation and flooring for the venue.’

Scotty, 28, will be seeking legal advice to deal with the sticky situation, and went on to advise fans on how to claim a refund for their tickets.

Apologising to his castmates, he then wrote: ‘I am sorry that I have not been able to finish off my commitment to the rest of the cast but David Lee today told my management that there was no proviso of payment for me and they had not planned any method of payment.’

Read the statement in full in the gallery above…

Autore: CelebsNow

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