
AMD Ryzen lineup might not include 6-core model

Only quad- and octa-core SKUs

According to the latest rumor, AMD’s upcoming Ryzen CPU lineup might lack a 6-core version, due to the fact that AMD cen’t partially disable the four-core Zen module.

According to a rumor started by and spotted by, AMD will not be able to deactivate half of the four-core Zen module, which means the lineup will only launch in quad- and eight-core models, with and without SMT (Simultaneous MultiThreading).

This new rumor contradicts some previous rumors that AMD Ryzen series will include a full lineup, including a dual-core (with two cores disabled) and six-core versions.

The same source suggests that AMD will have several SKUs with a difference in the number of cores, SMT, frequency and TDP, so there will still be plenty of CPUs to choose from.

More details should be coming soon as the expected launch is scheduled for March.

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