
Coleen Nolan’s sister Linda reveals shock facelift for the FIRST TIME on Loose Women

Linda looks SO different!

Presenter, Coleen Nolan got the shock of her life on Loose Women on Friday afternoon (17th Feb) when her sister, Linda turned up with an extra special surprise.

But the Nolan’s singer didn’t come with the kind of gift you’d expect from an elder sibling – instead she unveiled a whole new face!

Not exactly a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates, is it?

Linda dropped by the ITV studios last month to tell the Loose Women ladies she’d decided to have a facelift while her sister was in the Celebrity Big Brother house – because it turns out, Coleen’s not so keen on surgery.

Eeek – brave move.

And after going through with the £6000 procedure the 57-year-old was back to show presenters Nadia Sawalha, Kaye Adams and Andrea McLean the results for the FIRST TIME – while her sister was blindfolded!

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But when Coleen, 51, was finally allowed to see the dramatic results, like the rest of us, she was utterly shocked by her sister’s incredible transformation.

Just look what a difference it’s made!

Linda looks like a different person! (ITV’s Loose Women)

Unsurprisingly, Linda was met by a cheer from the audience followed by heaps of ‘wow’s’ from the rest of the panel including Coleen who exclaimed: ‘Wow, you look fabulous! You look absolutely fabulous!’

And we have to agree.

Linda is over the moon to have got rid of her ‘jowls’ (ITV’s Loose Women)

But after having a lower facelift with extreme skin peel AND laser surgery around her eyes (yikes), Linda was under the knife for five and a half hours and was awake during the whole thing.

More: ‘Coleen will go mad!’ Linda Nolan reveals plans for SHOCK face lift and admits CBB star sister will NOT be happy

The star revealed: ‘I was advised by my doctor [to be awake for the surgery]. They put the sedation in and I was like, ‘I can feel everything’, but then I don’t remember anything else. I must have been trying to say ‘my nose itches’ as the surgeon asked someone to scratch it.’


Defending her choice to keep the gruelling procedure a secret from her sister and take presenter Linda Robson to hold her hand instead, Linda went on: ‘I waited until you went into CBB as I was frightened you’d talk me out of it.’

Adding: ‘I had butterflies hoping Coleen would like it, as I know her views on plastic surgery.’

Luckily 51-year-old Coleen was clearly a fan of her sister’s wrinkle-free face, despite Linda joking: ‘I look like the younger sister.’

More: ‘I was shaking’: Coleen Nolan reveals secret CBB hospital dash viewers DIDN’T see

And it looks like her cosmetic transformation has already had a positive impact as Linda gushed: ‘It’s amazing to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and feel better about yourself,’ and even teased of a new role, telling viewers: ‘I’m feeling more confident. I went to two auditions and got both the jobs.’

Autore: CelebsNow

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