
[778] U.S. Apartment Market & Social Media money transfers

The U.S. apartment market is flooded with real estate, and it appears banks are beginning to slow down on financing units, RT’s Bianca Facchinei has the full story. Banking Giant, HSBC sees a $4.2 Billion dollar loss in the 4th quarter of 2016, while Burger King’s parent company shells out $1.8 Billion in cash for Popeye’s. RT’s Manuel Rapalo takes a look at how social media sites are getting in on the money transfer game. After the break, Max Keiser, host of the Keiser Report goes deeper into currency around the world. Finally, RT’s Trinity Chavez reports on Facebook’s WhatsApp as it introduces a Snapchat like feature. Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: Follow us @

The U.S. apartment market is flooded with real estate, and it appears banks are beginning to slow down on financing units, RT’s Bianca Facchinei has the full story. Banking Giant, HSBC sees a $4.2 Billion dollar loss in the 4th quarter of 2016, while Burger King’s parent company shells out $1.8 Billion in cash for Popeye’s. RT’s Manuel Rapalo takes a look at how social media sites are getting in on the money transfer game. After the break, Max Keiser, host of the Keiser Report goes deeper into currency around the world. Finally, RT’s Trinity Chavez reports on Facebook’s WhatsApp as it introduces a Snapchat like feature. Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: Follow us @

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