
Latest in the Danielle Lloyd and Jamie O’Hara feud: SHOCK abuse claims

The pair have come to blows again in a shocking Twitter spat

Things have gotten even more bitter between Danielle Lloyd and Jamie O’Hara after Danielle claimed her ex-husband had been violent with her in front of their six-year-old son, Archie.

The former couple came to blows on social media last week after Jamie launched into a Twitter rant accusing Danielle of stopping him from seeing their three children.

The former Celebrity Big Brother housemate previously told his followers: ‘Ex wife wont let me go and watch my own kids play football and says if I turn up there will be trouble, have to go back to court for access.’

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Danielle then released a lengthy statement where she claimed she never stopped Jamie from looking after their children but was increasingly worried about his ability to care of them.

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And basically all hell broke lose between the two with talks of legal action and court orders. Blimey.

Unfortunately things got a whole lot messier on Saturday (25th Feb) after Danielle made shocking claims that her ex ‘strangled’ her and ‘battered her in Vegas with a shoe’.

More: ‘The boys were let down again’: Danielle Lloyd releases scathing statement after Jamie O’Hara calls her ‘disgraceful’


The scathing Twitter spat began when Jamie slammed Danielle for going on a spa weekend with her fiance Michael O’Neill, writing: ‘How’s this fair? I get denied access then see on social media that my children ain’t even with the mum, she’s at a spa weekend #standup.’

Danielle, 33, who recently announced she was pregnant again, then responded to the Tweet with a string of horrifying allegations claiming her husband of three years has abused her on multiple occasions, which Jamie has now branded ‘disgraceful lies’.

The former glamour model also insisted Jamie called her a ‘f***ing s**t’ and tried to spit at her in front of their kids – accusations she made in what appears to be part of a molestation order.


Refuting the claims, Jamie has since uploaded various statements to his own Twitter claiming Danielle is out to ‘ruin his life’ and revealed he’s also taking legal action.

The 30-year-old then posted a snippet of a 2014 interview Danielle gave to OK magazine, saying that Jamie would never hit her because ‘he would be scared of hitting him back’ and insisting he would ‘never touch a woman’.

Looks like things have got seriously out of hand between these two, let’s hope they can sort things out for the kids soon.

Autore: CelebsNow

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