
[811] Former acting CIA chief says Donald Trump is making the situation with North Korea worse

North Korea is causing uncertainty globally and the Asian stock market is the first to feel the pain. Tensions are running high around the world as North Korea continues to test nuclear weapons and now a former CIA chief says he thinks Donald Trump is making matters worse, RT’s Simone Del Rosario has the full story. CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, Peter Schiff joins us to talk more on Donald Trump and his impact on the U.S. economy and his recent “down talk” of the US dollar and how it affected markets worldwide. After the break, we cover the falling U.S. retail sales and Apples’ bid for Toshiba chip business. Boom Bust’s Manuel Rapalo takes a look at accusations against a major drug company destroying drugs just to hike prices 4000%. Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei talks on the latest with Turkey’s referendum and the action the country may take regarding refugees. Finally, it looks like United Airlines suffered another sting. Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: Follow us @

North Korea is causing uncertainty globally and the Asian stock market is the first to feel the pain. Tensions are running high around the world as North Korea continues to test nuclear weapons and now a former CIA chief says he thinks Donald Trump is making matters worse, RT’s Simone Del Rosario has the full story. CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, Peter Schiff joins us to talk more on Donald Trump and his impact on the U.S. economy and his recent “down talk” of the US dollar and how it affected markets worldwide. After the break, we cover the falling U.S. retail sales and Apples’ bid for Toshiba chip business. Boom Bust’s Manuel Rapalo takes a look at accusations against a major drug company destroying drugs just to hike prices 4000%. Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei talks on the latest with Turkey’s referendum and the action the country may take regarding refugees. Finally, it looks like United Airlines suffered another sting. Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: Follow us @

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