
[820] Oil takes a major drop

Oil suffers its largest one-day loss in 6 weeks. Chemical maker DOW looks to Donald Trump as it tries to kill a federal risk study. The violence in Venezuela is causing lots of uproar and now U.S. automaker GM halts production, RT’s Marina Portnaya has the full story. Meanwhile in travel, Boom Bust’s Manuel Rapalo takes a look at Emirates airlines as it announces a cut in the number of flight to America. After the violent removal of a United airlines passenger, Canada is looking to protect its citizens with a ‘passenger bill of rights’, RT’s Alex Mihailovich reports. After the break, we talk EPA, United Nations and Trumps’ budget. Author of “The road to ruin”, Jim Rickards joins us to discuss the IMF as the convention kicks off in Washington D.C. Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: Follow us @

Oil suffers its largest one-day loss in 6 weeks. Chemical maker DOW looks to Donald Trump as it tries to kill a federal risk study. The violence in Venezuela is causing lots of uproar and now U.S. automaker GM halts production, RT’s Marina Portnaya has the full story. Meanwhile in travel, Boom Bust’s Manuel Rapalo takes a look at Emirates airlines as it announces a cut in the number of flight to America. After the violent removal of a United airlines passenger, Canada is looking to protect its citizens with a ‘passenger bill of rights’, RT’s Alex Mihailovich reports. After the break, we talk EPA, United Nations and Trumps’ budget. Author of “The road to ruin”, Jim Rickards joins us to discuss the IMF as the convention kicks off in Washington D.C. Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: Follow us @

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