
[892] Jobs and Bonds: The rise before the fall?

It’s Friday, but Boom Bust has one more show before the weekend. Uber is in trouble as it knowingly leased faulty cars to drivers. The numbers are in and more jobs were added in July. But what does it all mean? Bart Chilton is back today and we’re breaking down the numbers and what it means for the country. The U.S. has a trade deficit while Saudi Aramco looks to China and a new oil refinery. Bianca Facchinei takes a look at rising rents and the rising homeless population while special guest Marshall Auerback examines the potential bond bubble and if it could burst. That and more on today’s Boom Bust! Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

It’s Friday, but Boom Bust has one more show before the weekend. Uber is in trouble as it knowingly leased faulty cars to drivers. The numbers are in and more jobs were added in July. But what does it all mean? Bart Chilton is back today and we’re breaking down the numbers and what it means for the country. The U.S. has a trade deficit while Saudi Aramco looks to China and a new oil refinery. Bianca Facchinei takes a look at rising rents and the rising homeless population while special guest Marshall Auerback examines the potential bond bubble and if it could burst. That and more on today’s Boom Bust! Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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