
[899] Legacy of the Financial Crisis

Tuesday is here and Boom Bust is ready! The U.S. has posted the biggest increase in retail sales in seventh months. Could it mean a rally for retailers? Prof. Steve Keen is back on the show and we’re looking a long legacy of financial troubles as we look back and examine the lessons learned from the worst financial crisis to hit the globe since the Great Depression. Bitcoin hit record highs as the cryptocurrency soared above $4000. We brought in Reggie Middleton, the founder of Veritaseum to break down these record highs and where we can go from there. That and more on Boom Bust! Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

Tuesday is here and Boom Bust is ready! The U.S. has posted the biggest increase in retail sales in seventh months. Could it mean a rally for retailers? Prof. Steve Keen is back on the show and we’re looking a long legacy of financial troubles as we look back and examine the lessons learned from the worst financial crisis to hit the globe since the Great Depression. Bitcoin hit record highs as the cryptocurrency soared above $4000. We brought in Reggie Middleton, the founder of Veritaseum to break down these record highs and where we can go from there. That and more on Boom Bust! Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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