
Uber set to succumb to Softbank offer

Author: mike [DOT] magee [AT] btinternet [DOT] com (Mike Magee) – Home

No kidding

Late on Friday, because these kind of things all happen on Friday, it seems that mighty Japanese giant Softbank is seeking to acquire taxi company Uber.

According to Reuters, Softbank will pay a small fortune to buy into the controversial “hail and ride” firm.  

Uber has been criticised across the world for its policies, which differ from state to state. Softbank could throw billions into acquiring the company. As you read here on Fudzilla, first, Uber has invested gazillions into “smartcar” technology.

There are certain logistical problems with “smart cars” which ought to give Softbank food for thought.

But as Softbank has gazillions of dollars in the bank, it probably thought, “well let’s go for it”.

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