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Risultati immagini per dollar hoarding is a year end risk

La scorsa settimana abbiamo condiviso la perla dei fondi pensione e delle dinamiche nascoste dietro la riforma fiscale di Trump, oggi invece una piccola sintesi interamente tratta da Bloomberg…

Dollar Hoarding Is a Year-End Risk for Markets

In the waning weeks of 1999, there was widespread concern that software programs might not recognize the number 2000 once the calendar turned from December to January, crippling computers and creating mass chaos in what was referred to as “Y2K.” We now know that didn’t happen, but those anxieties have a legacy in financial markets.

Ever since then, financial institutions and companies take extra efforts to fund their operations over the year end in what has become known as the “balance sheet effect.” This generally entails the hoarding of dollars, creating a squeeze in demand for greenbacks that can have a negative impact on markets and tighten financial conditions. The effect may be more pronounced this year as tensions around the U.S. debt ceiling and the competing Republican tax bills in Congress come together in a way that could cause the dollar to appreciate in value. (…) A rising currency is normally not a bad thing, but the problem now is that it could exacerbate some negative trends in the markets. For example, there’s the potential for a strong dollar to drive up short-term interest rates even further. Also, credit spreads may widen as dollar rates rise, such as during the 2008 financial crisis when the London interbank offered rate, or Libor, skyrocketed.

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