
Macroeconomics of Gender

Women– along with ethnic minorities and members of the LGBT community– continue to face discrimination despite playing an important role in economic, cultural and political life. This panel addresses the challenges, opportunities, and occasional political exploitation associated with this phenomenon in the economy as a whole and in the specific case of our discipline: economics. Download the papers and presentations at: Speakers: Winnie Byanyima, Marcella Corsi, Sheila Dow, Giulia Zacchia Chair & Discussant: Yuan Yang
Women– along with ethnic minorities and members of the LGBT community– continue to face discrimination despite playing an important role in economic, cultural and political life. This panel addresses the challenges, opportunities, and occasional political exploitation associated with this phenomenon in the economy as a whole and in the specific case of our discipline: economics. Download the papers and presentations at: Speakers: Winnie Byanyima, Marcella Corsi, Sheila Dow, Giulia Zacchia Chair & Discussant: Yuan Yang

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