
[994] The Big Business of News

News is big business; Correspondent Ashlee Banks breaks down the numbers and the statistics when it comes the business of news. China and Airbus have reached a deal on some new planes, Alex Mihailovich has the story from Canada. Ransoms aren’t a new way to extort money but the criminals are getting smarter using softer called Ransomware. Todd Shipley discusses with host Bart Chilton. Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

News is big business; Correspondent Ashlee Banks breaks down the numbers and the statistics when it comes the business of news. China and Airbus have reached a deal on some new planes, Alex Mihailovich has the story from Canada. Ransoms aren’t a new way to extort money but the criminals are getting smarter using softer called Ransomware. Todd Shipley discusses with host Bart Chilton. Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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