
Facebook To Face The Music | Boom Bust on RT America |

Big data is big business, but Facebook is under the gun from the fallout with Cambridge Analytica. Pamela Cytron is back as we tackle the big questions surrounding big data in the modern age. Trade and cars go under the microscope with help from Alex Mihailovich and Ashlee Banks! That and more on Boom Bust! [1050] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

Big data is big business, but Facebook is under the gun from the fallout with Cambridge Analytica. Pamela Cytron is back as we tackle the big questions surrounding big data in the modern age. Trade and cars go under the microscope with help from Alex Mihailovich and Ashlee Banks! That and more on Boom Bust! [1050] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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