
Oil Prices; Will They Go Higher? | Boom Bust on RT America |

Oil prices are on the rise and Raghee Horner is back as she discusses the recent rally with Bart Chilton and if oil will sink or swim amidst the latest conflicts! President Trump tweets out missile strikes in Syria, rocking the geopolitical stage. Michael Maloof returns to talk about the current problem we are seeing in Syria. Are America’s ports in top condition? Natasha Sweatte gives us the latest report on America’s ports! [1051] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

Oil prices are on the rise and Raghee Horner is back as she discusses the recent rally with Bart Chilton and if oil will sink or swim amidst the latest conflicts! President Trump tweets out missile strikes in Syria, rocking the geopolitical stage. Michael Maloof returns to talk about the current problem we are seeing in Syria. Are America’s ports in top condition? Natasha Sweatte gives us the latest report on America’s ports! [1051] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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